Leiden International Studies Blog

Authors Instructions

How to blog

Below you will find some tips and tricks to make your life as a blogger easier.

Format blog post

To ensure uniformity in the format of our blog posts we have created a template you can use to send in your blog post. You can send your blog post to blogthisisinternationalstudies@hum.leidenuniv.nl


  1. Following your passion: write about subjects that are close to your heart. It should be related to International Studies, but this relation can be understood in the broadest sense.
  2. First heart, then head: start by writing whatever grabs you. Later you can score things out and think about style.
  3. Focus on one subject.
  4. Choose a position: take a side and stick to it.
  5. Check the facts.
  6. Give sources. If you consult a source and refer to facts in it, then provide the source. For the blog we prefer hyperlinks over academic references. If you refer to one of your own publications, then provide the link to the Leids Repositorium.

The title

Choose a catchy title: a title that triggers the reader’s curiosity, that promises a solution or an answer or a title that informs about the content of the blog.

Keep the title short.

The image

An Image says more than words. Search for a photo or make one that reinforces your message. Every blog has a cover image. You can add additional images in the text. Don’t forget to check the image rights and give due credits in the caption.

The trailer

Write a catchy trailer: outline the issue and suggest what is to come. Aim at one or two sentences and keep the introduction for the main text. The trailer can have no more than 300 characters.

The text

Eighty percent of Internet users only scans a text. They follow a web page with an F-motion. People who land on your blog decide within seconds if they will stay on it or not. Some tips for your text:

Maak a blog scanable. Ensure that visitors can see at once if the article is of interest to them. Some tips:

Writing is deleting

Ensure there is cohesion in your text. At the end of your blog, go back to your title, the beginning or the key message: by doing so you clarify the cohesion.


Question? Something not clear? Something to add? please mail to blogthisisinternationalstudies@hum.leidenuniv.nl